OIS in Perris

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Location: Riverside County

OIS in Perris

Post by brandon »

PERRIS: Robbery report ends in officer-involved shooting
http://www.pe.com/articles/deputy-79712 ... oting.html
Posts: 707
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:13 pm
Location: Riverside County

Re: OIS in Perris

Post by brandon »

SEB TAC 1 been active much of the day for this.
Looks like the air unit is Star 93.
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Joined: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:02 pm

Re: OIS in Perris

Post by inlandpatch »

was that channel in the clear or just enc and noticed it was being used alot?
Posts: 707
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:13 pm
Location: Riverside County

Re: OIS in Perris

Post by brandon »

Enc...just watched system activity. They had it patched to Perris for a while.
Also heard them talking about video downlink from the helicopter.
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