Watch Duty - California Brush Fire Informational app for iPhone & Android

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Watch Duty - California Brush Fire Informational app for iPhone & Android

Post by Brian »

Great app for brush fire season. They just added all the counties for California state today.

Watch Duty - brush fire informational app for iPhone & Android.

Get ready California, Watch Duty is expanding to the entire state this year in 2022

Stay up-to-date on wildfires when it matters most.

Watch Duty gives you real-time information about fire movement and firefighting efforts nearby.

Monitor the situation and make informed decisions when seconds count

Get photos and push notifications of conditions on the ground

For now you can only subscribe to 4 counties for alerts.

Try Watch Duty in your web browser

iOS App ... 1574452924

Android app ...

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This app is helping Californians stay on top of wildfire risks
An inside look at Watch Duty, a website called The Lookout, and a citizen-led quest for better information about fire dangers.
PUBLISHED MAY 2, 2022 ... wildfires/ ... ring-2021/ ... 5b0a9.html

A newly expanded app aims to be the emergency alert system the public deserves. ... 0.amp.html

The Silicon Valley veterans who want to bring you wildfire info in real time.
Watch Duty, launched last year, sends users push notifications about new and spreading fire, giving them vital time to prepare ... con-valley

Monitor fires in Sonoma, Napa and Lake counties in real time with new app ... h-new-app/

You’re on Watch Duty!
August 11, 2021
by John Clarke Mills ... atch-duty/
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