Notice to officer_415 (mlangeveld) California Database Admin on RadioReference

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Notice to officer_415 (mlangeveld) California Database Admin on RadioReference

Post by Brian »

Notice to officer_415 (mlangeveld) California Database Admin on RadioReference

Please respect other scanner users in California. Do not use their information for the RadioReference Database.
Many scanner users don't want their information to be used on the RadioReference website. It's why they stopped submitting to

"Data obtained directly from the FCC database is not permitted, nor is data obtained by "mining" other web pages (unless permission is obtained from the owner of the web page)."

Thank You!

Receipt of Submissions and Data Sources
Submissions are usually received from users who have clicked on a Submit tab somewhere in the database, and will appear in the Open Submissions queue on the Database Administrator page. Administrators may also "mine" the forums for confirmed data, but must submit that data following the normal procedure for that county/system, and give due credit in the submission to the member who originally posted the data. Submitted data may be used as long as it has been confirmed by the submitter through over-the-air monitoring. Data obtained directly from the FCC database is not permitted, nor is data obtained by "mining" other web pages (unless permission is obtained from the owner of the web page).

Some submissions may include radio programming data extracted from programming files commonly known as "codeplugs" or "personalities." This data may be used under the following conditions:

Frequencies and sites must be confirmed by monitoring to avoid conflicts with existing systems.
Talkgroups do not "pre-date" information already in the database. Where talkgroups already exist in the database, an effort must be made to verify whether the database data or the codeplug data is the most recent and up-to-date. ... ve_Version
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