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Moreno Valley Storms

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:30 pm
by brandon
I was getting onto the 215 from the 60, KFI 640 said something about a tornado and I joked "Hmm maybe theres one in Perris"... no sooner I turn my head and THERE IT IS --- a funnel from cloud all the way to the ground. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

The tornado crossed the 215 fwy, causing a big rig to overturn and train to derail. Unfortunately my camera and radios were at home, so I had to snap with the cell phone.

Pictures (please excuse quality these are with older cell phone)

Tornado falling apart-wish I took it sooner before it roped out and died

Train derailment


Overturned big rig (hard to see in picture but it was blocking all lanes and caused N/B 215 to be shut down)

Hail covering 215 freeway in Perris