Topics about scanning the Riverside County Fire Department. Here you can find regularly updated information about new stations, apparatus, news and other RVC fire scanning topics.
Greetings ... I winter just South of the Riverside/Imperial line ... and so I pass a fire station on the way into Indio & Palm Springs all the time.
My question is .... does anyone know the number of the station and where to find the Fire Tone-Out Code for that particular station.
I'm not sure if it's Thermal or Coachella? Can anyone help me out with that?
And while I'm at it ... is there anything else I should be aware of in that area
Thanks ... that is the right station.
One more quick question ...
What is the Tone-Out Frequency for North Shore?
(I didn't see it listed-unless it's the RR1 or RR3 Freq?)
Kingscup wrote:You are probably referring to station 41 in North Shore. This link has the fire tone out codes.
RRU 3 covers dispatch on the east side (Coachella Valley and Blythe areas). I believe the PL Code for that channel and area is 94.8. As far as the tone-out code (if you want to put your radio in standby), go to the website, then click on: Resources>Fire Tone-Out Codes, and scroll down to 41 in the Riverside County Fire section.